Wednesday 13 January 2021

The Pact by Brandon Reeder


From Goodreads

Eden is a picturesque small town in Indiana, where the corn grows tall and the tea is sweet. As with many beautiful things, something more complex lies beneath the surface. A devastating loss drives Cole Harris, a local bad boy teenager, deep into the realm of darkness. As he begins to spiral out of control, he stumbles upon things he wished he never unearthed. Now, with the help of an unsuspected friend, and faced with the responsibility of an unreal task, will Cole be overtaken by evil, or will he rise up to be a hero for Eden?

My thoughts

I decided to take part in the 2020 Reading Challenge on The Book Club on Facebook as set by Tracy Fenton.  A list of 12 criteria was chosen by her for people to read a book that met the criteria.  As I was late to the party and only joined in towards the end of 2020, I made the books that I had read fulfil the criteria.  

However, there were some criteria still to fulfil and this is the last book on the criteria that I had to read.  The book fills no: 7 which was an Author with the same name and surname initials as you (which in my case was BR).

I gave this a 3 stars or 6/10.  This is a short read at just over 200 pages.  This was an unusual read in some ways, as it took you in one direction with the lead character Cole and then you were off in a totally different one.  

Cole Harris lives in the small town of Eden in Indiana, like many small towns in America things are not always as they at first seem.  Cole finds himself in a world that many believe is hearsay and the stuff of legends.  Can Cole overcome the obstacles and situations that he is faced with or will he find himself the wrong side of the darkness that is all around him?

I quite enjoyed the story on the whole and you find yourself willing the unlikely hero on.  The story could have done with better proofreading prior to publication, but that's the only niggle that irked me.

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