Sunday 15 September 2013

Star Girl (Stargirl, #1) by Jerry Spinelli

Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli
From Goodreads

From the day she arrives at quiet Mica High in a burst of color and sound, hallways hum “Stargirl.” She captures Leo Borlock’s heart with one smile. She sparks a school-spirit revolution with one cheer. The students of Mica High are enchanted. Until they are not. Leo urges her to become the very thing that can destroy her - normal.

My review

I enjoyed this quirky magical tale about Leo and Stargirl. Leo is your average type of student. Stargirl has a real name but prefers to choose her own name to be known as, thus making her stand out from the crowd. She wants to be different from everyone else but this isn't always easy. As her quirkiness begins to irritate her fellow students they begin to turn against her and in turn against Leo due to his blossoming
relationship with her. Leo tries to make her become something that she's not, in an attempt to become one of the crowd with slightly disastrous consequences.

Will love conquer all or is it destined to fail as pressures from others come into play.

Why should we all be the same? Why can't we be true to ourselves and make a stance against conformity? This book will make you think on so many levels. Predominantly aimed at young teens/young adults this book is also one that can be read and enjoyed by adults too.



  1. Hi Bernie - I love what you are doing on your blog !

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award..

  2. Aww thanks Josie. That means a lot to me. xx
