Friday 28 May 2021

20 Books of Summer 21 Reading Challenge

Wow, I can't believe that it's a year since I decided to take part in the 20 Books of Summer 20 Reading Challenge.  Thanks to Cathy Brown on Twitter @Cathy746Books for hosting this challenge again.

I was in two minds about doing this one this year, with so much going on in my life at the moment one way and another.  However, I love reading and sometimes it's good to have something to focus on.  So here I am.

My NetGalley pile is huge, so some of the books chosen are NetGalley reads and some of the others are Library books that need to be returned as I have more than my allotted amount of books at the moment.  

The books that I am planning to read at the moment are as follows and they are in no particular order.

Love in Lockdown by Chloe James.  NetGalley.
Mismatched in Manhattan by Tash Skilton.  NetGalley.
Scandalous Lies by Nigel May.  NetGalley.
The Shadow Man by Helen Fields. BorrowBox via Library.
The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett.  Library.
Saving the World ~ Women: The Twenty First Century's  Factor for Change by Paola Diana.  Personal copy for taking part in the Blog tour.
The Last Wilderness a Journey into Silence by Neil Andrew.  Library.
A Million Dreams by Dani Atkins.  Library.
Flying the Nest by Joy Norstrom.  Digital copy from TBConFB reviewer group.
An Offer from a Gentleman (Bridgertons #3) by Julia Quinn.  Library.

I will be back to add to this list and will update once I have read the book.

For anyone else taking part.  Good luck with it and most of all happy reading.


  1. I see the first batch of lockdown stories are starting to hit the shelves! I admit I'll probably read one or two as it's been such a big part of our lives it would be weird for books to pretend it never happened.

    1. Yes, I got my copy via NetGalley. It'll end up being a genre of it's own maybe.
