Tuesday 28 October 2014

Martha, Jack & Shanco by Caryl Lewis


From Goodreads

Just an amazing book concerning the lives of three unmarried, middle aged siblings on a farm in the Welsh Hills. This is the english translation but has still managed to create a beautiful and, I think, highly poetic and emotive novel.Really moving and heart-breaking in parts.

My thoughts

I was sent this book to read by a friend. I'd never heard of this Author before and from reading about the Author and the book prior to reading it, I found out that the book has been translated from Welsh.

The story is a very bleak tale, about three unmarried siblings who all live together on a farm in the Welsh Hills.  The writing is sparse and beautiful, I hope that the translater has done the original justice. The writing and tale reminded me of The Beacon by Susan Hill.

The family ties and loyalties among the three run deep, but there is also an underlying tension too. 

I found this a thought provoking read, it's not overly long but it sure does pack a punch or two. How would we have reacted to the family situations if we had been in their shoes?       

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